The post below is a direct copy of the body of a post by sideone on the now defunct itbitch.com forums. Some links may be broken, and its provided as-is.



Hello everyone,

I have been using FinalScratch (http://www.finalscratch.com) for about 1 month now, and it rocks! The only downfall about this product is the stripped down Debian OS that it is built on. I have spent a week trying to port it over properly from debian to RH8. RH8 is not my choice flavor of linux, it just looks nice out of the box. Since i couldnt care less about the security of this *dj box*, i decided to port it to that. i would like to share a few things about what i have found along the way. Also, shots to David for his help and post on bostonraves.

First off, i am running the following setup, so you may want to tweek the following info accordingly. Also, I take no responsibility for your finalscratch, or computer if you damage it by using my info.

* Desktop
* 2.0Ghz
* 256MB DDR
* 3 HDDs (1-5400, 2-7200s)
* Audigy Sound Card
* Nvidia Geforce 2
* 2 Numark TT-200s
* 1 Numark EM-260
* RH8 / WinXP installed on the master HDD (7200)
* MP3 Drive (5400) installed on the 2nd IDE chain.

** you can see my setup at : http://www.itbitch.com/fs/foo2.jpg

Ok, on to the good stuff.. I will assume that you know how to install RH8.0, Obtain and install a linux kernel, navigate somewhat through linux, and follow my shitty instructions to get yourself up and running..

1- First install RedHat 8.0, this can be downloaded as ISOs and burnt, i have only needed the first 3 discs when installing. If you are unfamiliar to linux, you might want to install most of the dev tools to make things easy for you.


2- After RH8 is installed, you will need to download and install your linux kernel. I have the most success with version 2.4.18. It maybe helpful for your to have a copy of my working .config for your defaults. Make sure to copy this file to your linux src directory, and run the command 'make menuconfig' . If you use this config, make sure to update it to match your system architecture/processer. Unless you know what your doing, try to keep the rest of the config somewhat untouched.


here are the steps i used to build my kernel:

cd /usr/local/src
wget ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.4/linux-2.4.18.tar.gz
tar zxvf linux-2.4.18.tar.gz
mv linux /usr/src/linux-2.4.18
cd /usr/src ; ln -s linux-2.4.18 linux ; ln -s linux-2.4.18 linux-2.4
cd linux-2.4.18
wget www.itbitch.com/fs/.config
make menuconfig
*** Make sure all your changes are done now!
make dep ; make bzImage ; make modules ; make modules_install ; make install

This will also update your grub.conf file. Make sure you have the devfs=nomount statement after your kernel entry. If you dont you may have problems finding and booting your kernel.
** Remember, your root line may differ from mine.


3- After the new kernel is installed, you need to install Devfsd.


The steps for installing this are as follows:

cd /usr/local/src
wget ftp://ftp.atnf.csiro.au/pub/people/rgooch/linux/daemons/devfsd/devfsd.tar.gz
tar zxf devfsd.tar.gz
cd devfsd
make ; make install

Alot of problems have come from the devfsd.conf, modules.conf, and modules.devfs files. If you would like to use mine as defaults, the links are listed below. All of these files belong to the /etc directory. Please, make sure to back up your files before copying. In addition, my modules files have been modified to work with my Audigy card.


4- After devfsd is installed, you should be able to reboot, and pick the 2.4.18 kernel. If everything works, then you will be able to proceed to the login prompt, and see only minor errors. If it doesnt boot, check your kern config, to make sure you changed the processor type. If that doesnt work, then you will need to do alot of playing with devfs. I had to play with devfs for many hours to get it working correctly.

5- If you have rebooted, and everything has worked, your 80% done! you should now get finalscratch installed and working. The following link will show the steps on how install and configure the final scratch. David, wicked job at the FAQ.


6- you should now have final scratch installed, working, and also have the /dev/scratchamp nodes correctly made!!!

7- You may have problems getting recordboxing to work correctly, well i have figured out a QUICK solution for that too. So far, with a RH8 install, i do not see any problems by it either.
What you need to do is, mount the image off the cd, and copy the lib directory to your libs directory. remember to backup before you perform this, if not, you may have to reinstall from scratch.

here goes:

cd /usr ; cp -R lib lib.esp
mkdir /mnt/cdrom ; mount /dev/cdroms/cdrom0 /mnt/cdrom
mkdir /mnt/loopback ; mount -o loop /mnt/cdrom/fs/fsrun.img /mnt/loopback/
cd /mnt/loopback/usr/lib; cp -R --reply=yes . /usr/lib

You may get a bit of an error when you finish copying, so you may have to hard reboot. When it comes up, recordboxing should work. If it doesnt, well, thats what you made the backup for )

8- if you have a audigy, then you have realized how long it takes to setup the card under devfs. Here is what i have used to get it working. You should already have my modules.conf/devfs which should set you up to use the card properly. ** make sure you disable plug and play from your bios **

a- download the following :

b- here are my steps to install the soundcard.

cd /usr/local/src
wget http://easynews.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/emu10k1/emu10k1-v0.20a.tar.bz2
wget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/driver/alsa-driver-0.9.0rc7.tar.bz2
wget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/lib/alsa-lib-0.9.0rc7.tar.bz2
wget ftp://ftp.alsa-project.org/pub/utils/alsa-utils-0.9.0rc7.tar.bz2
bunzip2 *
tar xf emu10k1-v0.20a.tar
tar xf alsa-driver-0.9.0rc7.tar
tar xf alsa-lib-0.9.0rc7.tar
tar xf alsa-utils-0.9.0rc7.tar
cd emu10k1-v0.20a
make ; make ; make install
alias sound emu10k1
cd alsa-driver-0.9.0rc7
./configure --with-cards=emu10k1 --with-sequencer=yes;make;make install
chmod a+rw /dev/dsp /dev/mixer /dev/sequencer /dev/midi
cd ../alsa-lib-0.9.0rc7
./configure;make;make install
cd ../alsa-utils-0.9.0rc7
./configure;make;make install
modprobe snd-emu10k1;modprobe snd-pcm-oss;modprobe snd-mixer-oss;modprobe snd-seq-oss

now at this point, i would copy the modules.conf/modules.devfs that i have provided back to the /etc directory. If all goes well, then you will be able to type kmix or alsamixer, and your sound should work! i have the monitor out rca's on my mixer plugged into the line-in on the audigy card.

** Make sure you have the volume up for your line-in, and the red button on the bottom of kmix is set on line input, so that you can record your sets.

thats it! If everything works right, you should be jamming! i have also used gnome-sound-recorder to record my sets. There are better programs out there for recording direct line. I have also streamed my sets using icecast-1/darkice .

