Final Scratch under Red Hat 8 |
There's an excellent how-to here:
It appears is no more, but luckily sideone has agreed
to let me mirror his guide here.
It mirror's my experience almost exactly. The only step I didn't do was
the lib copy. I'll describe where that left me later.
There's another guide here (this is the one I followed, RH8 needed a
step not described below, the installation of devfsd, the daemon that
accompanies devfs)
I've deactivated this link as the address has been web squatted by
dirt merchants
This doc is a first stab, I'll expand if any areas need more info.
Running FS
After running through the install process, I got the required
nodes and ran fs.
I got not connected.
It turned out that fs wanted to be run as root, so I taught myself about
sudo and /etc/sudoers, and managed to make a gnome launcher for fs (see
The only problem, as you can see in the image is that fs ends up
positioned off-screen. |
I haven't found a good solution to this, RH8's window manager is metacity and
it seems fairly new, so again, more stuff to learn.
My current workaround is to use the move from the menu which pops
up when you right click on any window border. By shifting and shifting
you can eliminate borders. Panel hiding helped too.
In this shot I ran xclock as well. Because I could.
It works great tho'. I edited the fonts in the darkgrey.rc file,
I wasn't a fan of the more compact fonts I ended up with at first.
Record Boxing
This is where things got a little awkward. I tried
to run the stanton recordboxing app. libglade was missing.
I installed python things, and glade things and, pygtk things.
And all I got was Segmentation Faults.
So I tried something crazy. I ran the windows box editor under
wine. And it worked! Setting up wine
took a little time, but it was all good.
In this shot you can see the 3 launchers I have set up for the
various parts of the system. ('windows' boxing, stanton boxing,
and fs proper)
I eventually got the python boxing to work.
By setting the environment variable PYTHON_PATH, you can set where
python looks first for its libraries. (in my case this had to be
So I had working stanton recordboxing too.
which was nice.
Fun Stuff
So why bother?
Network support
Pull tunes back and forth without a reboot. I haven't tried
them, but a lot of the file sharing apps have linux ports. Also
typing smb:// in a nautilus window lets you browse windows shares
on your lan.
Built in soundcard support
Red Hat 8 picked up my laptops internal soundcard. There
are a number of possibilities for this.
The one illustrated is that I recorded a long wav of me talking
that I then striped.
Once the app was running I could use the standard gnome sound recorder
to change the wav, without interrupting fs's output, then play with
it some more.
This would have been more more fun if I could scratch or MC. |
Final Touches
To enable a smoother startup, I added the line:
action $"Loading Scratchamp
Module" insmod -f /FinalScratch/ScratchAmp/scratchamp.o
to /etc/rc.sysinit.
The remaining issue was that kudzu kept popping up and finding new hardware.
The worst part was where it switched off my internal mouse when I plugged
in an external USB mouse. Running setup at the command prompt gave me
an interface where I could turn off kudzu.
Future Possibilities
People have already mentioned running the mixer's output back into the
laptop and using it to stream sets out to the web, or record them to wav.
Unfortunately for me, my laptop only has mono mic-level in, I may have
to get myself a cheap USB soundcard.
The additional audio has possibilities. pre-recorded sets. sample pads.